Accessibility Statement
Affinity Health at Work is fully committed to accessibility in all of our services.
Our website is designed to be fully accessible to all users, through compliance to the latest web standards.
If you should experience any difficulty accessing any information on this website, please contact us.
Do you need guidance on making your computer easier to use? If so, you will find useful information here:
AbiltyNet - My Computer My Way
Ways you can make your keyboard and mouse, Windows, the internet, and your favourite applications suit you and your needs.
Further support with 'How to' guides, including changing text, colours and fonts, making your computer speak text aloud, and making your keyboard and mouse easier to use.
Accessibility Settings on Mobile Devices
Mobile phones have a number of settings to amend display, colours, fonts and even a reader for the text.
iOS: Settings > General > Accessibility
Android: Settings > Accessibility