2024 Research Project

Addressing the 'elephant in the room' of psychosocial hazards:
Identifying how to address potentially harmful work demands and workload

Each year our members vote to decide on the research focus for the coming year. This year, our members will work together to develop an understanding of how to address potentially harmful work demands and workloads within their organisation.

Is workload impacting the mental health and wellbeing of your employees?

Year on year, workload is cited as the leading cause of stress at work, and many argue that workload and working hours are increasing as a result of socio-economic trends such as moves to hybrid working, 24-7 technology access and the cost-of-living crisis. With levels of mental ill-health and stress at work continuing to rise, organisations need to better understand how to reduce, or reduce the impact of, work demands and workload.

What will the research involve?

Together with a team or department within your organisation, our award-winning research team will use a 'Participative Action Research (PAR)' approach to explore issues related to workload and work demands. We will facilitate work group meetings to identify actions that teams can take to improve work demands and support them in monitoring and evaluating progress.

See below for a timeline of research activities:

How can my organisation get involved?

Participation in this research is included with Affinity Research Consortium membership. Contact us to find out more.