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This paper provides guidance on the identification and management of Long COVID - particularly regarding return to work. This guidance has been produced by members of The Society of Occupational Medicine Long COVID Group, of which our Managing Partner Jo Yarker is a member, and other work and health...

Drawing on Affinity Health at Work's research with the University of Sheffield and CIPD, these guides produced by the CIPD offer advice and practical recommendations to provide support to employees with long COVID. This guide is for colleagues to help them support workers with long covid. There are also...

Drawing on Affinity Health at Work research for the CIPD, involving returning workers, line managers, occupational health, employment advisers, and rehabilitation professionals, HR professionals and the Long COVID Support group, these CIPD guides offer advice and practical recommendations to provide...

Drawing on Affinity Health at Work research for the CIPD, involving returning workers, line managers, occupational health, employment advisers, and rehabilitation professionals, HR professionals and the Long COVID Support group, these CIPD guides offer advice and practical recommendations to provide...

Drawing on Affinity Health at Work research for the CIPD, involving returning workers, line managers, occupational health, employment advisers, and rehabilitation professionals, HR professionals and the Long COVID Support group, these CIPD guides offer advice and practical recommendations to provide...

Over 15 million people live with a long-term health condition in the UK1 and in 2019/20, there were 32.5 million estimated working days lost due to work-related ill health2. Having good management practices gives employee the best chance of staying in work and fulfilling their potential.

This guide introduces...

Research shows that employees are more likely to return to work safely and productively following long-term sickness absence if they are well supported during their absence and on their return.

The key considerations for managing an effective return, including for those suffering from long COVID, are...

Working with a multi-disciplinary team, Affinity Health at Work contributed to this guide for the Society of Medicine to support people to return to work following Covid-19 infection

Drawing on research and practice, Affinity Health at Work contributed to this toolkit for Mental Health at Work. We share tips and strategies to support individuals struggling with the transition out of lockdown.

Drawing on research and practice, Affinity Health at Work contributed to this guide from the Society of Occupational Medicine. This guide shares recommendations for returning to the workplace after lockdown

This guide has been developed for managers to support employees to return to and stay in work following absence due to mental ill-health drawing on research conducted with the University of Sheffield.

This guide has been developed for individuals who are returning to work to support them in returning to and stayin in work following absence due to mental ill-health drawing on research conducted with the University of Sheffield.

This guide has been developed for HR professionals to support employees to return to and stay in work following absence due to mental ill-health drawing on research conducted with the University of Sheffield.

This guide has been developed for colleagues to help them support an employee to return to and stay in work following absence due to mental ill-health drawing on research conducted with the University of Sheffield.

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Life Speak
Babergh and Mid Suffolk Council
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