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Thrivers, survivors or exiteers: A longitudinal, interpretative phenomenological analysis of the post‐return‐to‐work journeys for workers with common mental disorders

The research on return to work for workers with common mental disorders has primarily focused on the pre-return journey. Relapses and recurrent sick leaves are prevalent and call for research on how we can support workers stay and thrive at work after long-term sickness absence due to common mental disorders....

Managing Minds at Work: Development of a Digital Line Manager Training Program (PNG, 496 Kb, 1130x1604)

Mental ill-health is the leading cause of sickness absence, creating a high economic burden. Workplace interventions aimed at supporting employers in the prevention of mental ill-health in the workforce are urgently required. Managing Minds at Work is a digital intervention aimed at supporting line managers...

Interpersonal Mindfulness In Leadership Development: A Delphi Study (PDF, 205 Kb)

Mindfulness is increasingly being used within leadership development to enhance managers' wellbeing and leadership capability. Given the relational nature of leadership, we posit that an interpersonal form of mindfulness has the potential to offer benefits over and above those provided by personal or...

Job Crafting As A Work Adjustment Strategy For Workers Returning After Long-Term Sickness Absence Due To Common Mental Disorders (PDF, 383 Kb)

The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the way workers with common mental disorders use job crafting to adjust their work to their levels of functioning after returning from long-term sick leave. Thirty-eight workers who had returned within the last 24-months from sickness absence due to...

What Outcomes Have Mindfulness And Meditation Interventions For Managers And Leaders Achieved? (PDF, 1.5 Mb)

No systematic review had previously been conducted examining the benefits mindfulness or meditation interventions for leaders and managers. However, the literature suggested that such interventions would have a positive impact on leaders' own well-being, their leadership capability, their 'post-conventional'...

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind? A Literature Review Of Occupational Safety And Health Leadership And Management Of Distributed Workers (PDF, 3.8 Mb)

Distributed workers those who work autonomously and remotely from their organisation's main locations for at least some of their work-time are an important and growing proportion of the workforce that share common characteristics of temporal and spatial distance. Yet, many leadership styles and management...

Perceived Barriers And Facilitators Of Exercise And Weight Management At Work (PDF, 90 Kb)

The objective of this study was to examine employees' perceived barriers and facilitators of physical activity and healthy dietary choices, and managers' perceptions of how best to facilitate physical activity and healthy dietary choices among their team members.
Participants were employees from a large...

Developing Managers To Manage Sustainable Employee Engagement, Health And Well-Being - Phase Two (PDF, 664 Kb)

Sponsored by the CIPD, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and the Affinity Health at Work Research Consortium, Affinity Health at Work has conducted research to review all the evidence available about what affects the success of developing managers who support employee engagement, health...

The Vital Role Of Line Managers In Managing Psychosocial Risks (PNG, 242 Kb, 270x394)

This chapter provides an introduction into the role of line managers in managing risks to employee psychosocial health. It looks at how line managers (or immediate supervisors, used interchangeably) can influence the success of interventions for psychosocial issues through their impact on process and...

Using A Competency-Based Approach To Identify The Management Behaviours Required To Manage Workplace Stress In Nursing: A Critical Incident Study (PDF, 139 Kb)

Workplace stress is a significant problem in healthcare, especially within nursing. While there is a reasonable consensus regarding the sources of stress and its impact on health and well-being, little is known about the specific line manager behaviours that are associated with the effective and ineffective...

Line Management Competence: The Key To Preventing And Reducing Stress At Work (PDF, 93 Kb)

Work-related stress is a major concern for employers, and the UK Health and Safety Executive has introduced Management Standards for employers to support them in managing stress in the workplace. Managers have a key role to play in minimizing stress-related risks for their staff. Management behaviour...

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