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Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind? A Literature Review Of Occupational Safety And Health Leadership And Management Of Distributed Workers (PDF, 3.8 Mb)

Distributed workers those who work autonomously and remotely from their organisation's main locations for at least some of their work-time are an important and growing proportion of the workforce that share common characteristics of temporal and spatial distance. Yet, many leadership styles and management...

What Outcomes Have Mindfulness And Meditation Interventions For Managers And Leaders Achieved? (PDF, 1.5 Mb)

No systematic review had previously been conducted examining the benefits mindfulness or meditation interventions for leaders and managers. However, the literature suggested that such interventions would have a positive impact on leaders' own well-being, their leadership capability, their 'post-conventional'...

Lessons For Leadership And Culture When Doctors Become Second Victims: A Systematic Literature Review (PDF, 460 Kb)

This review set out to understand what leaders and organisational cultures can learn about supporting doctors who experience second victim phenomenon; the types, levels and availability of support offered; and the psychological symptoms experienced. A systematic review of keywords 'Medical Error' [MeSH],...

Interpersonal Mindfulness In Leadership Development: A Delphi Study (PDF, 205 Kb)

Mindfulness is increasingly being used within leadership development to enhance managers' wellbeing and leadership capability. Given the relational nature of leadership, we posit that an interpersonal form of mindfulness has the potential to offer benefits over and above those provided by personal or...

Thrivers, survivors or exiteers: A longitudinal, interpretative phenomenological analysis of the post‐return‐to‐work journeys for workers with common mental disorders

The research on return to work for workers with common mental disorders has primarily focused on the pre-return journey. Relapses and recurrent sick leaves are prevalent and call for research on how we can support workers stay and thrive at work after long-term sickness absence due to common mental disorders....

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