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Cross-Sector Insights On Enabling Flexible Working (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

Growing demand for flexible working and an increasing recognition of its broad benefits have pointed to the need for practical, evidence-based guidance to help people professionals and their organisations to implement it.

This CIPD guide, produced in collaboration with Affinity Health, explores the effective...

Impact Of Covid-19 On The L&D Profession: Perspectives From Independent Learning Practitioners. (PDF, 783 Kb)

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically shifted the way we learn. Learning and development practitioners have been challenged to step outside of their comfort zone, be curious and embrace new ways of delivering learning with high impact for the digital age. This longitudinal focus group study investigated...

Managing A Return To Work Following Long Term Sickness Absence: Guide For People Professionals (PDF, 263 Kb)

Research shows that employees are more likely to return to work safely and productively following long-term sickness absence if they are well supported during their absence and on their return.

The key considerations for managing an effective return, including for those suffering from long COVID, are...