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Employees' experience of supervisor behaviour - a support or a hindrance on their return-to-work journey with a CMD? A qualitative study

Supervisors play an important role in supporting employees to return to work following sickness absence due to common mental disorders; stress, anxiety and depression, however, employees may not always feel supported. We examined employees' perceptions of their supervisors' attitudes and behaviours pre,...

Managing And Supporting Employees With Long-Term Health Conditions: Guide For People Professionals (PDF, 713 Kb)

Over 15 million people live with a long-term health condition in the UK1 and in 2019/20, there were 32.5 million estimated working days lost due to work-related ill health2. Having good management practices gives employee the best chance of staying in work and fulfilling their potential.

This guide introduces...

Impact Of Covid-19 On The L&D Profession: Perspectives From Independent Learning Practitioners. (PDF, 783 Kb)

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically shifted the way we learn. Learning and development practitioners have been challenged to step outside of their comfort zone, be curious and embrace new ways of delivering learning with high impact for the digital age. This longitudinal focus group study investigated...

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