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Healthy Organisations, Healthy Leadership And Management, Healthy Employees ... For Healthy Performance (PDF, 1.5 Mb)

Contributing to the CIPD's thought piece collection 'Moving the health and well-being agenda forward', this chapter promotes Affinity Health at Work's beliefs and values to the importance of employee wellbeing for healthy and effective organisations.

Wiley-Blackwell Handbook Of The Psychology Of Leadership, Change & Organisational Development (PNG, 150 Kb, 362x564)

Leadership and change are complex, with many different approaches and theories. Co-edited by Rachel Lewis, Managing Partner at Affinity Health at Work, this book shares key research and practical guidance on the psychology of leadership, change and OD.

Using A Competency-Based Approach To Identify The Management Behaviours Required To Manage Workplace Stress In Nursing: A Critical Incident Study (PDF, 139 Kb)

Workplace stress is a significant problem in healthcare, especially within nursing. While there is a reasonable consensus regarding the sources of stress and its impact on health and well-being, little is known about the specific line manager behaviours that are associated with the effective and ineffective...