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Managing duty of care for wellbeing within a hybrid workforce (PDF, 1.7 Mb)

Remote working has become increasingly common in the modern workforce, hugely accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning that support for wellbeing in organisations has had to adapt to a new context. The aim of this research, carried out by Affinity Health at Work on behalf of the International SOS...

Managing Minds at Work: Development of a Digital Line Manager Training Program (PNG, 496 Kb, 1130x1604)

Mental ill-health is the leading cause of sickness absence, creating a high economic burden. Workplace interventions aimed at supporting employers in the prevention of mental ill-health in the workforce are urgently required. Managing Minds at Work is a digital intervention aimed at supporting line managers...

Factors Influencing Uptake And Use Of A New Health Information App For Young People (PDF, 1.4 Mb)

When young people need health information they are increasingly likely to use online sources and health apps (applications). Yet, these are not necessarily well-designed, reliable or appropriate, and research has primarily focused on adult use. Our study is the first to use qualitative mixed methods...

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