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Impact Of Covid-19 On The L&D Profession: Perspectives From Independent Learning Practitioners. (PDF, 783 Kb)

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically shifted the way we learn. Learning and development practitioners have been challenged to step outside of their comfort zone, be curious and embrace new ways of delivering learning with high impact for the digital age. This longitudinal focus group study investigated...

Navigating the Return-to-Work Experience for New Parents Maintaining Work-Family Well-Being

Parenthood can be one of the most fulfilling, altering, and challenging life events. This book is set within the background of the reality of many parents' return-to-work experience, the task of re-engaging with work and maintaining a job or a career, and the difficulties that parenthood poses for balancing...

Igloo Guide For Returning To Work Following Mental Ill-Health: Guide For HR Professionals (PDF, 628 Kb)

This guide has been developed for HR professionals to support employees to return to and stay in work following absence due to mental ill-health drawing on research conducted with the University of Sheffield.