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Developing a competency framework for integrated care working (PDF, 199 Kb)

In July 2022, a statutory requirement for all NHS and social care systems to be organised into integrated care systems came into effect. Integrated care systems are partnerships that bring together healthcare, local government and other agencies to collectively manage service planning, improve health...

Line Management Competence: The Key To Preventing And Reducing Stress At Work (PDF, 93 Kb)

Work-related stress is a major concern for employers, and the UK Health and Safety Executive has introduced Management Standards for employers to support them in managing stress in the workplace. Managers have a key role to play in minimizing stress-related risks for their staff. Management behaviour...

Management Competencies For Preventing And Reducing Stress At Work: Identifying And Developing The Management Behaviours Necessary To Implement The HSE Management Standards (PDF, 1.2 Mb)

This report presents the findings of the second phase of a research project to identify the specific management behaviours associated with the effective management of stress at work. This phase aimed to: examine the usability of the 'Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work'...