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Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind? A Literature Review Of Occupational Safety And Health Leadership And Management Of Distributed Workers (PDF, 3.8 Mb)

Distributed workers those who work autonomously and remotely from their organisation's main locations for at least some of their work-time are an important and growing proportion of the workforce that share common characteristics of temporal and spatial distance. Yet, many leadership styles and management...

Igloo: An Intergrated Framework For Sustainable Return To Work In Workers With Common Mental Health Disorders (PDF, 1.7 Mb)

Current research on return to work (RTW) for employees with common mental disorders suffers from two limitations. First, research mostly focuses on the influence of resources during the absence period ignoring the resources which may facilitate sustainable RTW, i.e. employees continuing to work and thrive...

Factors Influencing Uptake And Use Of A New Health Information App For Young People (PDF, 1.4 Mb)

When young people need health information they are increasingly likely to use online sources and health apps (applications). Yet, these are not necessarily well-designed, reliable or appropriate, and research has primarily focused on adult use. Our study is the first to use qualitative mixed methods...

Perceived Barriers And Facilitators Of Exercise And Weight Management At Work (PDF, 90 Kb)

The objective of this study was to examine employees' perceived barriers and facilitators of physical activity and healthy dietary choices, and managers' perceptions of how best to facilitate physical activity and healthy dietary choices among their team members.
Participants were employees from a large...

Developing Positive Leadership For Employee Wellbeing And Engagement: How Leadership Behaviours Impact Organisational Safety And Wellbeing (JPEG, 38 Kb, 300x431)

'Developing Positive Leadership for Employee Well‐Being and Engagement' is a chapter in the book 'Leading to Occupational Health and Safety: How Leadership Behaviours Impact Organizational Safety and Well-Being', focusing on how leaders can promote wellbeing in their organisations and the positive...

Developing Managers To Manage Sustainable Employee Engagement, Health And Well-Being - Phase Two (PDF, 664 Kb)

Sponsored by the CIPD, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and the Affinity Health at Work Research Consortium, Affinity Health at Work has conducted research to review all the evidence available about what affects the success of developing managers who support employee engagement, health...

Wiley-Blackwell Handbook Of The Psychology Of Leadership, Change & Organisational Development (PNG, 150 Kb, 362x564)

Leadership and change are complex, with many different approaches and theories. Co-edited by Rachel Lewis, Managing Partner at Affinity Health at Work, this book shares key research and practical guidance on the psychology of leadership, change and OD.

Line Management Competence: The Key To Preventing And Reducing Stress At Work (PDF, 93 Kb)

Work-related stress is a major concern for employers, and the UK Health and Safety Executive has introduced Management Standards for employers to support them in managing stress in the workplace. Managers have a key role to play in minimizing stress-related risks for their staff. Management behaviour...

Management Competencies For Preventing And Reducing Stress At Work: Identifying And Developing The Management Behaviours Necessary To Implement The HSE Management Standards (PDF, 1.2 Mb)

This report presents the findings of the second phase of a research project to identify the specific management behaviours associated with the effective management of stress at work. This phase aimed to: examine the usability of the 'Management competencies for preventing and reducing stress at work'...