"What can I do for you? Line managers' behaviours to support return to work for workers with common mental disorders"

"What can I do for you? Line managers' behaviours to support return to work for workers with common mental disorders"

Sustainable return to work remains challenging for workers returning after long-term sick leave due to common mental disorders (CMDs): stress, anxiety and depression. Line managers play a significant role in supporting returned workers. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the supportive behaviors of line managers in supporting returned workers.

"What can I do for you? Line managers' behaviours to support return to work for workers with common mental disorders"

Date Published
Tue, 4th Oct 2022
Journal of Managerial Psychology
Yarker, J; Nielsen, K
Yarker, J., & Nielsen, K. (2022) What can I do for you? Line managers’ proactive behaviors supporting return to work for workers with common mental disorders. Journal Of Managerial Psychology….Future Teleworking Inclinations Post COVID-19: Examining t
Return To Work, Line Managers, , Absence

Sustainable return to work remains challenging for workers returning after long-term sick leave due to common mental disorders (CMDs): stress, anxiety and depression. Line managers play a significant role in supporting returned workers. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the supportive behaviors of line managers in supporting returned workers.