Protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a multicomponent sustainable return to work IGLOo intervention

Protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a multicomponent sustainable return to work IGLOo intervention

Long-term sickness costs businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) approximately £7 billion per annum. Most long-term sickness absences are attributed to common mental health conditions, which are also highly prevalent in people with acute or musculoskeletal health conditions. This study will pilot the IGLOo (Individual, Group, Leaders, Organisation, overarching context) intervention which aims to support workers in returning to and remaining in work following long-term sickness absence.

The findings from this pilot study will help to inform the development of a definitive cluster RCT designed to examine the efficacy of this intervention on health and work-related outcomes in UK workers on long-term sick leave.

Protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a multicomponent sustainable return to work IGLOo intervention

Date Published
Sat, 3rd Feb 2024
Pilot and Feasibility Studies
Oliver Davis, Jeremy Dawson, Lizzie Degerdon, Jaime Delgadillo, Umesh Kadam, Karina Nielsen, Alice Sinclair, Jo Yarker & Fehmidah Munir
Davis, O., Dawson, J., Degerdon, L. et al. Protocol for a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial of a multicomponent sustainable return to work IGLOo intervention. Pilot Feasibility Stud 10, 23 (2024).
IGLOo, Return to Work

Long-term sickness costs businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) approximately £7 billion per annum. Most long-term sickness absences are attributed to common mental health conditions, which are also highly prevalent in people with acute or musculoskeletal health conditions. This study will pilot the IGLOo (Individual, Group, Leaders, Organisation, overarching context) intervention which aims to support workers in returning to and remaining in work following long-term sickness absence.

The findings from this pilot study will help to inform the development of a definitive cluster RCT designed to examine the efficacy of this intervention on health and work-related outcomes in UK workers on long-term sick leave.