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"What can I do for you? Line managers' behaviours to support return to work for workers with common mental disorders"

Sustainable return to work remains challenging for workers returning after long-term sick leave due to common mental disorders (CMDs): stress, anxiety and depression. Line managers play a significant role in supporting returned workers. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative study was to examine...

Long COVID and Return to Work - What Works? A position paper from the Society of Occupational Medicine (PDF, 685 Kb)

This paper provides guidance on the identification and management of Long COVID - particularly regarding return to work. This guidance has been produced by members of The Society of Occupational Medicine Long COVID Group, of which our Managing Partner Jo Yarker is a member, and other work and health...

Managing And Supporting Employees With Long-Term Health Conditions: Guide For People Professionals (PDF, 713 Kb)

Over 15 million people live with a long-term health condition in the UK1 and in 2019/20, there were 32.5 million estimated working days lost due to work-related ill health2. Having good management practices gives employee the best chance of staying in work and fulfilling their potential.

This guide introduces...

Protocol For A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Study Of A Multicomponent Intervention To Promote A Sustainable Return-To-Work Of Workers On Long Term Sick Leave (PDF, 991 Kb)

The cost of sickness absence has major social, psychological, and financial implications for individuals and organisations. Return-to-work (RTW) interventions that support good quality communication and contact with the workplace can reduce the length of sickness absence by between 15 to 30 days. However,...