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Supporting employees with non-pay offers through the cost-of-living crisis (PDF, 1.4 Mb)

The 'cost-of-living crisis', defined as the fall in 'real' disposable income that the UK has been experiencing since late 2021 is having a profound impact on the nation. Inflation reached a 40 year high in October 2022 (ONS, 2022a) and the fiscal year 2022-23 saw the biggest one-year fall in living standards...

Introduction to the Working Well Maturity Framework (PDF, 1.1 Mb)

The rapid increase in the number of wellbeing frameworks available has given rise to a bewildering choice for organisations. The Working Well Maturity Framework was developed in response to calls from Affinity's Research Consortium, to develop a clear picture on how frameworks differ and to develop a...

Impact Of Covid-19 On The L&D Profession: Perspectives From Independent Learning Practitioners. (PDF, 783 Kb)

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically shifted the way we learn. Learning and development practitioners have been challenged to step outside of their comfort zone, be curious and embrace new ways of delivering learning with high impact for the digital age. This longitudinal focus group study investigated...