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Thrivers, survivors or exiteers: A longitudinal, interpretative phenomenological analysis of the post‐return‐to‐work journeys for workers with common mental disorders

The research on return to work for workers with common mental disorders has primarily focused on the pre-return journey. Relapses and recurrent sick leaves are prevalent and call for research on how we can support workers stay and thrive at work after long-term sickness absence due to common mental disorders....

Cross-Sector Insights On Enabling Flexible Working (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

Growing demand for flexible working and an increasing recognition of its broad benefits have pointed to the need for practical, evidence-based guidance to help people professionals and their organisations to implement it.

This CIPD guide, produced in collaboration with Affinity Health, explores the effective...

What Outcomes Have Mindfulness And Meditation Interventions For Managers And Leaders Achieved? (PDF, 1.5 Mb)

No systematic review had previously been conducted examining the benefits mindfulness or meditation interventions for leaders and managers. However, the literature suggested that such interventions would have a positive impact on leaders' own well-being, their leadership capability, their 'post-conventional'...

Managing For Sustainable Employee Engagement: Developing A Behavioural Framework (PNG, 1.3 Mb, 968x1378)

Evidence suggests that employee engagement has a positive and significant effect on organisations, and that managers are pivotal to engagement and wellbeing.
Research, funded by the CIPD and led by Affinity Health at Work through a consortium of employers and other stakeholders, has brought together two...

The Vital Role Of Line Managers In Managing Psychosocial Risks (PNG, 242 Kb, 270x394)

This chapter provides an introduction into the role of line managers in managing risks to employee psychosocial health. It looks at how line managers (or immediate supervisors, used interchangeably) can influence the success of interventions for psychosocial issues through their impact on process and...

Managing for Sustainable Employee Engagement Developing a Behavioural Framework (PDF, 759 Kb)

Although it is widely accepted by both academics and practitioners that employee engagement has a significant and positive impact on both the organisation and the individual, there is no general consensus on the conceptualisation of employee engagement.

This research aims to define employee engagement...